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I can tell you, I find pumping to be a thing. I have trouble taking my time and especially trouble relaxing.


Each week we ask a Real Mom if they would like the NurtureGoods experience. These moms use a breast pump from NurtureGoods in order to describe and share their experiences. In this way, we hope to raise awareness of the NurtureGoods experience and help you make a choice. This week, it's mom Warda's turn. Will you read along?

The NurtureGoods experience from Warda (instagram @huizevanhal)

Breastfeeding from Smart 1.0 to Smart 3.0 

With Mare, my second breastfeeding adventure began and with it, the pumping.
I was able to feed Oliver for 7.5 months and I am proud of that. I find breastfeeding and pumping, quite hard work and had preconceived notions that I wanted to feed for at least 6 months. So the fact that that mission was accomplished makes me a proud mommy!

Now with Mare I thought, well this is going to work out for me as a "seasoned breastfeeding mom"! Well, no. Our start was not ideal, but we got through it. Mare drank well (and a lot!) But then the moment my leave was over, I would have to start pumping or stop breastfeeding. Considering I wanted to feed my baby for at least 6 months again, stopping was not an option for me. Pumping it is.

I can tell you, I find pumping to be a thing. I have trouble taking my time and especially trouble relaxing. Especially at work. I am very lucky at work though! There is a nice pump room and I have plenty of time to pump. So my inability to relax is also completely down to me. I feel embarrassed, while I don't experience any negativity from my work. And during pumping I only sit and think about what I still have to do (eternal lists here), and why the bottle doesn't fill up faster.

I had a single electric Avent pump, which I had also used with Oliver. A fine pump, but by now it had had its day. It was less powerful than before, probably because it had been lying still for so long. So I went looking for another pump, a strong one and a double one. A single pump is fine, but to be able to relax more and possibly have a smoother extraction, a double was a logical choice for me.

I had my eye on the NurtureGoods Smart 1.0 pump. A dual electric pump, with good reviews and a nice look (the eye likes something too right?).
De reviews en de prijs gaf de doorslag. Ik wilde niet een zeer prijzige kolf aanschaffen omdat ik wist dat ik niet de moeder ben die jaren kolft (en na Mare zijn we zeg maar compleet 😉 ) Deze kolf zou zelfs grotendeels door de zorgverzekeraar vergoed worden, de prijs overtrof amper de maximale vergoeding van de gemiddelde zorgverzekeraar. Bij de meeste zorgverzekeraars kan je tot €80,- vergoed krijgen voor een kolf (bij bijvoorbeeld een bredere zorgverzekering dan alleen het basispakket)En ja hoor, de Nurturegoods kolf maakte zijn belofte waar. Een fijne krachtige kolf waar mijn productie ook vrolijk van werd, en ik daardoor ook!
I shared my satisfaction and thus got in touch with Nurturegoods themselves. They asked me if I would like to try out the new smart pump, the Smart 3.0. Since I liked the Smart 1.0 so much, I wanted to try out this new version.

The big difference, is that the 3.0 is hands free and has a dual power motor. This means that you can pump both breasts at the same time instead of alternately. This made pumping faster for me, which in turn provided a bit of extra relaxation.
The pump also has 9 different suction levels, so there is always a good one among them. And it is also nice to alternate when you are more sensitive during certain "periods". At work I now pump easily with the Smart 3.0.
I grab a nice chair in the pumping room, put the shells through my pumping bra, tighten the bottles, connect the tubing to the bottles and the pumping device and off I go! The 3.0 does make noise. But that's logical, it's still a motor that is working hard. With the whisper mode (silent volume) this becomes considerably less. Audible, but personally I find it not disturbing. It is what you may expect from a pump.

Het handsfree kolven is ook wel een dingetje hoor! Vooral thuis met 2 kids over de vloer, echt een handigheidje. Ik doe de kolf(motor/bol) in een zakje en die knoop ik aan mijn broek of riem. En zo loop ik het hele huis door, of kook ik zelfs en ruim ik de vaat in. Lekker multitasken. Zorg dan trouwens wel dat je een kolf bh in huis hebt, anders wordt het bovenstaande ineens een uitdaging 😉 Deze kan je ook bestellen op de NurtureGoods website. (je kan ook een oude voedingsbh op maat knippen, werkt prima)

I have been feeding Mare for 7 months now, and the pump has really helped me with this. Mare is a good drinker and does not always settle for less. At a single pumping session, I now get the amount of 1 bottle (180ml) out just fine with the pump. On good days even more (between 200 and 240ml).
So as far as I'm concerned, a hands-free pump, with a strong motor is definitely a must. And I have discovered my new friend in the Smart 3.0!

The amount I mention above relative to pumping is not a guideline. This is different for everyone.
When in doubt or in need of help, I recommend calling in a Lactation Specialist. They know how to help the individual with the right knowledge.

Much love,

Want to know more about Warda? Follow her on Instagram @huizevanhal