Which one suits your lifestyle best?
We understand very well if you walk around with a round baby belly, you don't immediately think about buying a breast pump. Nevertheless, it is never wrong to orientate yourself on the different breast pumps. That is why we take you into the differences between a breast pump on mains power and a wireless battery. We think these two options are the best fit for modern motherhood.
Differences in need
Every brand new mom and newborn child have different needs. These needs can change over time when you breastfeed and express. One mum goes straight to work and the other stays at home after the birth. This makes the supply of breast pumps enormous. We take you through the different options and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the mains-powered breast pumps and the battery-powered pumps. This way you can determine for yourself which one best suits your situation.
The breast pump on mains power
The mains-powered breast pumps are also known as electric pumps (Grotenhuis, 2020). The electric stock consists of two variants, namely the single and double stock. With a double pump it is possible to pump two breasts at the same time (Blabloom, n.d.). The built-in motor makes the suction a lot stronger than, for example, with a manual breast pump. The suction power can also be set to different strengths to treat each breast with love and generate the best results. Do you like efficiency? The pump also contributes to pumping a supply of breast milk in a short time (Medipoint, n.d.). All advantages also have their disadvantages. We hear different opinions that the electric pump makes a lot of noise (Grotenhuis, 2020). Many mothers report that the loud noise counteracts the relaxation necessary for expressing breast milk. With some lactation consultants it is possible to listen to different pumps before making a purchase (Blabloom, n.d.). Do you have to travel from A to B a lot? Then keep in mind that you are dependent on electricity. Some flasks can last for a while on batteries, only due to the heavy use of electricity the batteries drain very quickly (Grotenhuis, 2020).
The breast pump on battery
We leven in een tijd waarin we oordopjes en koptelefoons dragen zonder kabel, maar een borstkolf zonder dat vervelende snoertje liet even op zich wachten (Moedermelk Netwerk, 2017). Volgens ons is het tijd dat daar verandering in komt. Gelukkig zijn sommige borstkolfproducenten het met ons eens. Tegenwoordig zijn er veel moderne mama’s onderweg of in beweging in hun vertrouwde omgeving. Daardoor ligt de behoefte ook bij flexibiliteit en bewegingsvrijheid als het aankomt op het kolven van moedermelk. Zegt nu alles in jouw lichaam: ‘ja, dit wil ik!’ dan raden we je aan om een borstkolf op accu te overwegen. Het verschilt per apparaat, maar de borstkolf kan een accuduur hebben voor gemiddeld 3 à 4 sessies. Ook zitten er in veel borstkolven een USB-poort ingebouwd, zodat de borstkolf onderweg opgeladen kan worden. Geklungel met draden kan vanaf nu voor altijd een frustrerende herinnering worden. Dit klinkt natuurlijk als muziek in de oren, maar helaas hangt er aan deze ‘luxe’ ook een prijskaartje. Een prijskaartje met hoger cijfertje vergeleken met de borstkolf op netstroom.
Moms, it is up to you
Every mom is different, every body is different, every breast is different, every child is different and every lifestyle is different. Because everything is so different, a different breast pump can work better for everyone and better meet their needs. We cannot tell you which one best suits your life as a mom, but we can give you all the ins and outs so that you can hopefully make your choice better. We also hope that your breastfeeding and pumping period will be more pleasant if the breast pump perfectly matches your body and lifestyle.
Next time you will read more about ...
In the next blog, we'll take you through the reality of cracked nipples and we'll tell you how you can alleviate or remedy this problem with our product. The natural power of breastfeeding is one of the greatest miracles in the world, because it's about true love and the connection between mother and child. No sore nipples should stand in the way of this wonderful moment.
24Baby. (2020, August 18). Increasing milk production: is my baby getting enough breast milk? 24Baby.com. https://www.24baby.nl/baby/borstvoeding/melkproductie-verhogen/
Blabloom. (s.d.). How do I choose the right breast pump? UPDATE 2020. Blabloom online ecological baby shop. https://www.blabloom.com/nl/blog/algemeen/hoe-kies-ik-de-juiste-borstkolf/519/
Grotenhuis, L. T. (2020, June 23). Different types of breast pumps. Consumers' Association. https://www.consumentenbond.nl/zwanger/type-kolven
La Leche League. (2016, December). Pumping, which pumping device do I need? https://www.lalecheleague.nl/borstvoeding-abc/artikel/285-afkolven-welk-kolfapparaat-heb-ik-nodig
Medipoint. (z.d.). Borstkolf nodig? Ontdek hier de borstkolf die bij jou past. https://www.medipoint.nl/informatie/zwanger/borstkolven#:%7E:text=Dit%20geeft%20je%20lichaam%20het,baby%20via%20de%20fles%20voeden
Breast Milk Network. (2017, April 29). Mobile with BBMilkit USB breast pump cable | Breast Milk Network. Breast Pump Store. https://www.moedermelknetwerk-borstkolfwinkel.nl/blogs/borstkolfwinkel-nieuws/borstkolf-zonder-accu-bbmilkit-usb-kabel-is-de-opl/