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Breastfeeding I found quite uncertain at first. Am I giving enough?


Each week we ask a Real Mom if they would like the NurtureGoods experience. These moms use a breast pump from NurtureGoods in order to describe and share their experiences. In this way, we hope to raise awareness of the NurtureGoods experience and help you make a choice. This week, it's mom Emily's turn. Will you read along?

Emily's NurtureGoods experience (instagram @emilyeilander)

Pumping gives me confidence

More than 1.5 months ago I gave birth to our daughter Saar. During my pregnancy, I collected as many baby things as possible. Only with a breast pump I wanted to wait and see. Let's see how it would go. 

In addition to the well-known brands, there are so many others on the market today. From the brand NurtureGoods I was sent their breast pump, the Smart 3.0. It was great to see if I liked it. I don't pump that much (yet), but when I will be going out more, it will be handy to have some 'stock'. Anyways, here are my thoughts on this breast pump from NurtureGoods 🙂 .


Something I immediately noticed is the "beautiful design" of the pump itself. You wouldn't think it's a breast pump. You can leave this one in your living room just fine because it is just fancy 😉 There is a nice touch screen on it where you can set the different options. Also very handy is that you can see the time of how long you are pumping. 


I myself, of course, have no experience with other pumps but from what I understand, it is positive if a double breast pump still pumps as effectively and powerfully if you use it on both sides as on one side. Some breast pumps seem to lose power when used on two sides. So then the whole idea of effectiveness is gone. There are also multiple strengths on them so you can choose what you like best. 

I don't pump very often myself but otherwise it would be handy to have a special breast pump bra. Had tried the trick with an old sports top where you cut 2 holes but that does not work because the breastplate cannot be detached from the rest. This set also comes with breast shields in size S and you can buy other sizes separately but it would be even better if you could choose a set with the right size right away so you avoid these extra costs and don't have to buy breast shields that are of no use.

Breastfeeding I found quite uncertain at first. Am I giving enough? Pumping gives me a bit more confidence because I can see how much is coming out, I can use it to boost my production and give the pumped milk extra if I have doubts whether she is getting enough. But I can tell by her increasingly rounded head and thickening legs that she is fine 😉

Much love,

Want to know more about Emily? Then follow her on Instagram @emilyeilander