Do you recognize that during pregnancy you are often lightheaded or get dizzy easily? That the world is spinning or that you feel like you are on a boat? Some suffer more than others, but it is a common ailment among pregnant women. The dizziness itself is harmless, so to speak, but the consequences - such as fainting - can be unpleasant. I this blog we tell you where dizziness comes from and what you can do best if you get dizzy.
Where does the dizzy feeling come from?
The dizzy feeling is actually not surprising. During pregnancy, your blood vessels widen, which lowers your blood pressure. In the first few months, it can also be due to low blood sugar. Dizziness is also often the result of a busy schedule, missing out on certain nutritional values and/or abrupt or sudden movements. So take good care of yourself almost-mom. A little dizziness is part of the big changes in your body, but we'd rather not have a fainting marathon (Woman's Health, 2015).
In this blog about blood pressure read what you can do best to keep your blood pressure healthy.
Causes of dizziness
Dizziness is often accompanied by sweating, seeing black spots, a ringing in your ears and turning white. This is of course very unpleasant and can make you feel unstable and unsafe. Not only for you, but also for those around you it can be quite a shock when you actually faint. The causes of feeling dizzy can be low blood pressure, low blood sugar, anemia/iron deficiency. Try to sit down when the dizziness comes on, this often prevents the fainting or it prevents a hard fall if you do pass out. Read on quickly to find out what else you can do (Verloskundige Praktijk Ypenburg, z.d.).
Tips to counteract the dizzy feeling
We are going to discuss the above-mentioned possible causes for each part and we will give you tips on how to overcome the dizzy feeling.
When blood pressure is too low:
- Stand up slowly and avoid abrupt or sudden movements.
- Sit down and put your head between your knees. This way the blood can flow back to your head.
- Try to keep moving when sitting still or standing still for a long time.
(Obstetric Practice Ypenburg, s.d.)
When sugar levels are too low:
- Try to eat more often - about six small meals a day - to keep sugar levels up.
- Put a pack of dextro in your bag. This little candy provides a quick sugar boost to take the dizziness away for a while. Just make sure you eat something quickly and don't just keep eating the candy.
(Obstetric Practice Ypenburg, s.d.)
When lying on your back: in this position, your baby can imprint a blood vessel that allows blood to flow from your legs to your heart.
- Lie on your left side, this will release the blood vessel.
- From the second trimester on, sleep on your side as well because of the same reason.
(Obstetric Practice Ypenburg, s.d.)
For anemia or iron deficiency:
- Try iron tablets.
- Eat iron-rich foods. Think whole wheat pasta, nuts, dried fruit and legumes.
- Try to eat vegetables or fruits with enough vitamin C at every meal, such as kiwi, oranges or kale.
(Obstetric Practice Ypenburg, s.d.)
Carrying a child in your belly is no small thing and your body therefore reacts to this change. The reaction and intensity is also different for every woman. Take care of yourself, keep moving and watch your diet. Don't let the dizziness get the better of you and take a step back if you notice it increasing. Because if you feel good, your little one will also feel safer and more comfortable in your body.
Midwifery Practice Ypenburg. (s.d.). Pregnancy complaints | Obstetric Practice Ypenburg. Accessed September 29, 2021, from
Woman's Health. (2015, March 9). Am I pregnant? The 8 first signs.