Pregnancy is full of exciting moments and the first appointment at the midwife is another one. From now on it becomes real. During the first appointment it is important to get to know your midwife well, and she you. You will receive a lot of information, so maybe you would like to take a book along to write things down. You can read here exactly what to expect and how to best prepare for it.
When are you going to see the midwife?
Once the pregnancy is confirmed, it is important to see a midwife in time. You do not need a referral from your family doctor, but your family doctor can help you find a practice that is suitable for you. The midwife helps and guides you during the pregnancy, the birth and the postpartum period. They make sure the pregnancy goes well, but also how you are doing. They also give answers to all your pressing questions and doubts (Opvoedinformatie, 2021).
The first appointment with the midwife
Normally, the first appointment with your midwife takes place between eight and ten weeks of pregnancy. The first appointment is actually a kind of intake interview lasting about 45-60 minutes. This is the time to get to know each other well. She will ask you a lot of questions and the information will fly by. She will tell you everything about the future appointments and examinations, but she also wants to know everything about your medical background and that of your partner (if any). That is why it is useful if he or she accompanies you on your first appointment (Vivre Verloskunde, s.d.).
What are they looking at?
As indicated, the midwife will come with many questions. Often they will want to know when your first day was of your last period, when the pregnancy test was positive and if there are any abnormalities or diseases in the family. To determine the due date, you will probably be given a ultrasound scan offered (Parenting Information, 2021). During the first appointment, they will also look at your blood pressure, weight and your belly will be felt to determine the size of your uterus. After the appointment, you will need to have your blood drawn. From this they will check if there are any diseases or disorders in your body. Your iron levels and blood sugar will also be checked. You will also probably be asked to submit your urine so that it can be checked for protein and glucose (Vivre Obstetrics, s.d.).
At the first appointment, bring your insurance card and valid ID. Have you been pregnant before? Then also bring your information from the previous pregnancy to the interview (Opvoedinformatie, 2021). This way the appointment can go smoothly and it will give you more peace of mind.
Your midwife plays an important role during your pregnancy. She keeps an eye on everything and is there to help you whenever necessary. Do not hesitate to express your doubts or ask your questions, that is what they are there for.
Parenting Information. (2021, December 8). To the midwife. Accessed December 23, 2021, from
Vivre Obstetrics. (s.d.). First appointment pregnancy | Obstetrics and Ultrasound Practice Vivre. Accessed December 23, 2021, from