I am completely satisfied and wish I had had these when I started my full-time pumping adventure!
Each week we ask a Real Mom if they would like the NurtureGoods experience. These moms use a breast pump from NurtureGoods in order to describe and share their experiences. In this way, we hope to raise awareness of the NurtureGoods experience and help you make a choice. This week it's mom Steph's turn Do you read along?
Pumping with the NurtureGoods Smart 3.0
That I have some experience regarding pumping has become clear in my previous blog. So my old pump has been used a lot and when NurtureGoods asked me to try out their pump "NurtureGoods smart 3.0 Dual Efficient", I was immediately excited. I had developed a bit of a love/hate relationship with my previous pump and it was now time for a fresh start. I don't pump very much, considering I can feed live and am a full-time stay-at-home mom. But building up a little stock and practicing with a bottle every now and then just in case is always nice. In this blog you can read my personal experience with this pump.
Feed with the included bottle and pumped milk.
First off, it looks cool! Modern and a bit feminist with the pink color. A large clear screen and it holds nicely. The pump can be used single or double and there are 2 connections on the back that you can open and close. The tubes that go in there unfortunately attract a lot of dust by the material they are made of, and with 2 cats in the house there is also a lot of cat hair on them. Unfortunately you can't wash them (logically) so I find that a big disadvantage. The bottles with breast shield are also quite heavy, which is fine if there is no milk in them yet, but once you have pumped I am scared to death that they will fall over and I will lose all my liquid gold. They do come with handy "lids" for the breast shield so when you're not using the pump no dust or other dirt falls into the breast shields.
It sounds pretty negative so far, but I'm definitely okay with using the pump. The only drawback in using them, is that I can't use them in conjunction with a pumping bra, at least not the one I have lying around, because the shields are attached to the "cap" and thus are way too wide to put through the holes of the pumping bra. So this means I can't pump hands free, although I'm sure there are solutions or other pumping bras for that.
Pumping on both sides
Now I come up with everything I do like about this pump! You can save your own "profile", so do you like a certain setting or does it work best for you? Then you can just save that so it saves you a "I'm going through the floor in pain" position every time or just a "tickle" position. Do you have flat or retracted nipples like me? There is a special function on it that sucks your nipple out and then you can, for example, start feeding live. The feature sucks a little bit each time and holds it, a little bit more each time which makes your nipple come out and then easier for your baby to bite on, this feature is really golden! I also feel that the pump gets much more milk out than my old pump or the hand pump. There is a significantly thicker layer of fat on the milk, and fat milk is "in the back" and "in the front" just the watery milk.
It pumps incredibly fine and also feels natural as far as it can go. You can adjust the suction functions so that it is close to your little one's suction. Long stroke, short stroke, fast, slow, hard, soft. I am completely satisfied and wish I had had this when I started my full time pumping adventure! Highly recommended if you are still looking for an affordable electric pump.
Want to know more about Steph? Then follow her on Instagram @lifeby.steph