From America, this custom has braved the entire Atlantic and reached the Netherlands. The baby shower as we know it today is quietly giving way to a gender reveal - also known as the announcement of the sex of your baby. Where not only the pregnancy is celebrated, but also the sex of the baby. Do you know this trend already?
What is a gender reveal?
As briefly discussed above, a gender reveal is a playful announcement of the sex of the baby. And this announcement comes in all shapes and sizes, this is often up to the parents to interpret. A video, a whole garden full of all your friends, acquaintances and family or just an intimate gathering with your loved ones. There is no right or wrong or better or best. Every parent decides for themselves how they want to tell the outside world (Gender Reveal, 2020).
How does a gender reveal work?
At the 20-week ultrasound the ultrasound technician or the midwife can see the sex of the baby. As parents-to-be you are given the choice to keep the gender a secret, to announce it or to introduce it as a surprise. If you choose the latter option, you will receive the result of the ultrasound in a sealed envelope that you can drop off at a bakery or other creative organization that can contribute to your gender reveal.
Perhaps the most famous gender reveal is the cake. The baker use pink or blue filling based on the outcome in the envelope. When the cake is cut, your baby's gender also becomes clear (Moms at Work, 2018).
Even more inspiration
You can make it as simple or as crazy as you want. Some puncture balloons that have confetti of the color of the gender in them. Some parents use a smoke cannon where blue or pink smoke comes out. Also consider a confetti cannon or a crazy paintball fight with your family. It's your party, so fill it out the way you'd like it to be (Moms at Work, 2018)
All possible outcomes are good, but how nice is it when you can share this beautiful moment of pregnancy with your partner, family and/or friends? Exactly, super nice! We see a reason for a nice celebration. Are you team knowing, not knowing or surprise? Let us know in the comments.
Gender Reveal. (2020, December 24). What is a Gender Reveal Party?
Moms at Work. (2018, April 22). Gender reveal; the best ideas to reveal the gender of your baby. Lifestyle blog.