The placenta is an important organ that develops when you are pregnant - also known as the placenta. This organ is the connection between the mom and the baby. The placenta also provides blood circulation, as well as transports nutrients, oxygen and waste products. The body, as well as the body during pregnancy, remains a miracle! Read everything you want to know about the placenta here.
What is the placenta?
The placenta - also known as the placenta - is an organ that begins to grow from the moment you are pregnant. And this organ is important for your baby and has several tasks. The placenta is connected to the umbilical cord which is attached to the baby. The blood therefore goes from the baby, through the umbilical cord to the placenta, and also the other way around. In addition to providing blood circulation, the placenta also transports nutrients, oxygen and all kinds of antibodies that are important for the growth of your unborn baby (Baby on the way, s.d.).
Where is the placenta?
The placenta is a flat, round organ that attaches to the wall of the uterus. This can actually be anywhere in the uterus (So Pregnant, 2020). It doesn't matter where the placenta settles, as long as it is not too low. If this happens, the exit will be blocked and may cause problems during delivery. The position of the placenta is examined during the various ultrasounds. Often the placenta moves up with the baby as it grows (Baby on the Way, s.d.).
What else does the placenta do?
After about the twelfth week of pregnancy, the placenta is fully grown and performs all the important tasks of keeping your baby healthy. Besides being the connection between mother and baby, it is also the barrier between the two. The barrier means that the mom and the baby have different bloodstreams. This is good because sometimes the mom's blood type may be different than the baby's. Some blood types cannot be combined, this would cause serious health problems in your unborn baby (The Gynecologist, 2021).
The afterbirth
After the baby is put on the earth, the placenta also has to leave the body - this is also called the afterbirth. After the baby is out of the abdomen, the placenta loses its function and therefore the body also rejects this organ. This often happens about 10 to 30 minutes after delivery. The afterbirth leaves a wound where the placenta had nested, therefore you may lose some blood after delivery. This varies from woman to woman, but normally lasts a few days to sometimes a few weeks (Bosboom, 2021).
The placenta - or the placenta - is your unborn baby's safe haven. After you become pregnant, the body automatically starts working for two (or more) people. Everything your baby needs can be found in the mom's body. From oxygen to nutrients, no worries little sprout everything is taken care of for you!
Baby on the way. (s.d.). The placenta (placenta) what exactly does it do? Accessed December 23, 2021, from
Bosboom, M. (2021, February 18). The placenta: most important connection between mother and child. Accessed December 23, 2021, from
The Gynecologist. (2021, July 20). Insufficient growth of the baby. Accessed December 23, 2021, from