Breastfeeding is just a matter of putting it on and drinking it, right? I really thought this was too easy!
Each week we ask a Real Mom if they would like the NurtureGoods experience. These moms use a breast pump from NurtureGoods in order to describe and share their experiences. In this way, we hope to raise awareness of the NurtureGoods experience and help you make a choice. This week, it's mom Rianne's turn. Will you read along?
''The white gold'
First of all I will introduce myself. I am Rianne and live in Twello with my husband Mart and son Jurre. Jurre is our first son and now over 3 months. Wow, motherhood is beautiful, but also intense! Before Jurre was born I was determined to breastfeed. It seemed easy and it is full of nutrients for our little one. My sister had already breastfed 3, so any help was close at hand. Breastfeeding is just a matter of putting it on, go ahead and drink, right? I really thought this was too easy! My production was slow and Jurre needed artificial feeds besides breastfeeding. Fine, it will come naturally and I gave it time. It certainly took time, but it also took effort. Jurre was/is a restless drinker and had to make an effort to get enough milk. Sometimes he was so tired that he fell asleep, but unfortunately woke up very quickly because he was hungry! A period of (almost) breast infections and trying different positions and ways followed. Surely it would all work itself out? Fortunately, everything went easier and easier and Jurre drank well at the breast and then my production was on track. What a wonderful moment, how nice that I persevered and that it worked out! I understand very well that many women stop after a few weeks, because it is quite intensive to get everything going. You can get quite stressed out if things don't work out the way you want them to. A good breast pump is also essential if you want to breastfeed. Especially for a woman like me where low production is on the cards. The bosom buddies were brought into the house (capsules) and the term power pumping was looked up. I received a message from Nurture Goods if I wanted to try their pump and write something about it. Of course I did! I immediately went ahead and share my experience about this (super) pump here. First of all, I had a nice pump (I thought) that I used daily to pump. Especially in the last weeks when my production went down and I had to work harder to pump enough milk for Jurre. Rest in the butt is of course very important, but let me tell you, I am a busy bee who sometimes finds it difficult to relax.
De kolf van Nurture Goods ziet er allereerst super mooi uit waardoor ik het direct een aantrekkelijk product vond. Ik ben een doener, dus de gebruiksaanwijzing heb ik niet eens gelezen, ben direct begonnen! De schilden passen goed op mijn borsten en zuigen heel erg goed vacuüm. Ik merkte dat ik bij deze kolf de stand al snel op 5 kon zetten zonder dat dit bij mij irriteerde. Bij de vorige kolf (ik noem geen namen – zo’n geel ding) kreeg ik wel eens blaren op mijn tepels omdat ik te hard kolfde. De kolf van Nurture Goods heef veel kracht waardoor ik vaak in plaats van 20 minuten in 15 minuten klaar was! Belangrijkste vond ik dat na de kolfsessie nergens geen last van had door de vriendelijke siliconen borstschelpen. Hiernaast zijn de twee meegeleverde flesjes erg ruim, dus de vrouwen die een TOP productie hebben; er is ruimte genoeg in de flessen! Bij het schrijven van dit verhaal ben ik me nog verder gaan verdiepen in de kolf. Moeder met ingetrokken tepels ; koop deze kolf! Je hebt een bepaalde stand op deze kolf waardoor moeders worden geholpen om toch borstvoeding te geven (simulatiemodus). Ik zou nog veel meer hier over kunnen schrijven, maar ik denk dat je het zelf moet gaan ervaren. Als jij prettig kolft, is dit van invloed op een goede productie. De prijs is ook aantrekkelijk, ik zie dus geen enkele reden om deze kolf niet te kopen. Super leuk dat je mijn NurtureGoods ervaring wilde lezen, nu ga ik even kolven.. ?
Love Rianne
Want to know more about Rianne? Follow her on Instagram @huisjeaandegoeman